What's the difference between a 2- and 4-cycle engine?


With a two-cycle engine, you will have to mix oil with the gasoline. Two-cycle engines tend to be more efficient and usually require less maintenance, but only if properly maintained. However, they are also known for producing more pollution.

What is the difference between a two-cycle and a four cycle-engine?

With a two-cycle engine, you will have to mix oil with the gasoline. Four-stroke engines tend to be more efficient and usually require... More »

What will happen if you put straight gas in a 2-cycle engine?

Without any oil in the fuel for lubricating, the engine will seize up and will probably be ruined. Always remember to use the oil/gas mixture in the... More »

What’s the difference between a putty knife and a paint scraper?

They both look the same? Scrapers are too stiff for the efficient application of compounds. Putty knives are to flexible for... More »

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A wood stain is used to change the appearance of the wood, such as to bring out the definition in the wood grain or match the look of... More »

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The biological answer is that hardwoods produce seeds with some sort of covering, such as a fruit or a nut. Softwoods produce seeds with no... More »

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Concrete mix has gravel in it, which makes it stronger and more durable. Sand mix is used mainly for patching or where you want a particularly... More »

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CPVC can be used on hot and cold lines, while PVC is for cold water only. PVC is usually used as a... More »

What is the difference between plate glass and sheet glass?

Plate glass is generally used for large picture windows. It provides a clear view without distortion. It is usually 3/16” thick. Sheet glass is... More »

What’s the difference between the different types of patio doors I can buy?

Patio doors with aluminum frames are the least expensive, but also the least durable and least energy efficient. Vinyl is mid-range for both price... More »

What’s the difference between a file and a rasp?

A file is generally used to smooth metal, where a rasp is specifically designed for shaping... More »